area 1 combined training qualifier
Congratulations to all pony club members who competed in the Area 1 qualifier for combined training. Congratulations to Eliza who came 1st in the U12s and to Ellie who came 3rd in the U10 competition, Áilish Open CT 1st RDS Qualified, Ellen Pure dressage team 1st Place, Rachel Junior CT 1st and Pure dressage team 1st place, Holly Intermediate CT 1st, RDS qualified and Pure Dressage team 1st place, Jack Pure dressage team 1st place and 4th Intermediate CT
Congratulations to Megan, Rachel, Ellen and Holly who participated in the IPC National Dressage Day in Spruce Lodge on May 5th. Rachel won Junior, Holly was placed in Intermediate and Megan was placed in Open.
Combined Training
Combined Training is the combination where members ride a dressage test in a 40m arena followed by a showjumping course. As with all other Pony Club activities combined training is divided into different age categories such as U10, U12, Junior, Intermediate and Open. Each category has a different test and these tests are set by the Pony Club in Spring of that year. Each age category showjumps at a particular height,eg U12 usually at 75cm, Junior up to 90 cm and Intermediate at 1 metre.
Each Area of Pony Club has a qualifier competition for members at Junior,Intermediate and Open Level. This year the Area one Qualifier will take Place in Boswell Equestrian on July 18th.
The top placed members on the day will then qualify for the Pony Club Festival which takes place this year in Mullingar Equestrian Centre from July 28 th to July 30 th.
U10 and U12 members who have trained and wish to compete at the Festival in Combined Training may enter directly subject to approval from their D.C.
Carlow Hunt Pony Club has a very long and proud association with Combined Training and we
would encourage all our members to start training early in the season. We have organised Flatwork Clinics both with Ciara Kelly and Sam Watson and Showjumping Clinics will start in due course.
If you have any queries about Combined training please contact Bairbre on 087 2745863.
Pure Dressage
Pure Dressage is a competition organised by the Irish Pony Club in which teams of three/four riders of any age ride a preset test in a 60m long arena.
As horse and rider are expected to perform from memory a test, this require discipline, obedience and flexibility and is therefore the basis for all other equestrian disciplines.
Members who have trained are welcome to attend the National Dressage Day in Spruce lodge in Co. Wicklow on June 24th. At the National Dressage Day members are invited to do both a tri dressage and a competition test and this experience is invaluable to any rider.
Combined Training Tests 2017
Open Test - BE 110 2012
Intermediate Test - BE 96 2016
Junior Test - BE 95 2012
U12 Test - Pre Novice IPC Dressage Test 2013
U10 Test - South Munster Dressage Test C 2012
Pure Dressage Tests 2017
Pure Dressage (Team and Individual) - IPC Novice Dressage Test 2014
National Dressage Day Tests 2017
Under 10 & U12‘
Warm-up test - South Munster Introduction to Dressage Test C (2012) (40m arena)
Competition test - Pre Novice IPC dressage test 2013 (40m arena)
Warm-up test - Junior BE 95 (2012) (40m arena)
Competition test - Dressage Ireland test P8 (2012) (60m arena)
Warm-up test - BE 96 (2016) (40m arena)
Competition test - IPC Novice Dressage Test (2014) (60m arena)
Warm-up’ test - BE 110 (2012) (40m arena)
Competition test - IPC Novice Dressage Test (2014) (60m arena)
Team Competitions
FEI Team Competition Test - Pony 2012_2016 International standard test (60m arena)
Team competitionU10/12, Junior, Inter or Open/SA competition test as above
Note: Any changes will be updated when available
Combined Training is the combination where members ride a dressage test in a 40m arena followed by a showjumping course. As with all other Pony Club activities combined training is divided into different age categories such as U10, U12, Junior, Intermediate and Open. Each category has a different test and these tests are set by the Pony Club in Spring of that year. Each age category showjumps at a particular height,eg U12 usually at 75cm, Junior up to 90 cm and Intermediate at 1 metre.
Each Area of Pony Club has a qualifier competition for members at Junior,Intermediate and Open Level. This year the Area one Qualifier will take Place in Boswell Equestrian on July 18th.
The top placed members on the day will then qualify for the Pony Club Festival which takes place this year in Mullingar Equestrian Centre from July 28 th to July 30 th.
U10 and U12 members who have trained and wish to compete at the Festival in Combined Training may enter directly subject to approval from their D.C.
Carlow Hunt Pony Club has a very long and proud association with Combined Training and we
would encourage all our members to start training early in the season. We have organised Flatwork Clinics both with Ciara Kelly and Sam Watson and Showjumping Clinics will start in due course.
If you have any queries about Combined training please contact Bairbre on 087 2745863.
Pure Dressage
Pure Dressage is a competition organised by the Irish Pony Club in which teams of three/four riders of any age ride a preset test in a 60m long arena.
As horse and rider are expected to perform from memory a test, this require discipline, obedience and flexibility and is therefore the basis for all other equestrian disciplines.
Members who have trained are welcome to attend the National Dressage Day in Spruce lodge in Co. Wicklow on June 24th. At the National Dressage Day members are invited to do both a tri dressage and a competition test and this experience is invaluable to any rider.
Combined Training Tests 2017
Open Test - BE 110 2012
Intermediate Test - BE 96 2016
Junior Test - BE 95 2012
U12 Test - Pre Novice IPC Dressage Test 2013
U10 Test - South Munster Dressage Test C 2012
Pure Dressage Tests 2017
Pure Dressage (Team and Individual) - IPC Novice Dressage Test 2014
National Dressage Day Tests 2017
Under 10 & U12‘
Warm-up test - South Munster Introduction to Dressage Test C (2012) (40m arena)
Competition test - Pre Novice IPC dressage test 2013 (40m arena)
Warm-up test - Junior BE 95 (2012) (40m arena)
Competition test - Dressage Ireland test P8 (2012) (60m arena)
Warm-up test - BE 96 (2016) (40m arena)
Competition test - IPC Novice Dressage Test (2014) (60m arena)
Warm-up’ test - BE 110 (2012) (40m arena)
Competition test - IPC Novice Dressage Test (2014) (60m arena)
Team Competitions
FEI Team Competition Test - Pony 2012_2016 International standard test (60m arena)
Team competitionU10/12, Junior, Inter or Open/SA competition test as above
Note: Any changes will be updated when available