CHPC Dressage / Combined Training Co-Ordinator 2022 - Anna Redmond 085 7399963
Get Going For Spring 2022- Lessons with Anna 1hr lessons in pairs / groups of 3 with Anna Redmond: Senior International RWYM coach. at Redmonds’ R21HY79 (new arena). Lessons will run for 4 Saturdays in February - Feb 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th Flatwork Clinics 1hr lessons in pairs 11-12noon and 12-1pm (4 riding slots) €35 each Show Jumping Clinics 1hr lessons in groups of 3 per height, 1.45-2.45pm, 2.45-3.45pm and 3.45-4.45pm (9 riding slots) €30 each Height groups on Up to 75cm 80-90cm 90cm plus Contact Anna 0857399963 for more information. Book on
Combined Training Combined Training is the combination where members ride a dressage test in a 40m arena followed by a showjumping course. As with all other Pony Club activities combined training is divided into different age categories such as U10, U12, Junior, Intermediate and Open. Each category has a different test and these tests are set by the Pony Club in Spring of that year. Each age category showjumps at a particular height,eg U12 usually at 75cm, Junior up to 90 cm and Intermediate at 1 metre. Each Area of Pony Club has a qualifier competition for members at Junior,Intermediate and Open Level. The top placed members on the day will then qualify for the Pony Club Festival.There has been a change in the rules for Under 10 and Under 12 Combined Training classes in that they must NOW qualify for the Festival Championships in Barnadown. All members should familiarise themselves with the rules of Dressage and Combined Training Carlow Hunt Pony Club has a very long and proud association with Combined Training and we would encourage all our members to start training early in the season.
If you have any queries about Combined training please contact Anna 085 7399963
Pure Dressage Pure Dressage is a competition organised by the Irish Pony Club in which teams of three/four riders of any age ride a preset test in a 60m long arena. As horse and rider are expected to perform from memory a test, this require discipline, obedience and flexibility and is therefore the basis for all other equestrian disciplines. Members who have trained are welcome to attend the National Dressage Day in (venue and Date for 2022 TBC). At the National Dressage Day members are invited to do both a tri dressage and a competition test and this experience is invaluable to any rider.