CHPC Health & Safety Information
All sporting activities carry an associated risk of injury. Concussion, following a head injury is one particular risk that if not identified and assessed may have long lasting and irreversible consequences for the injured party.
The *Irish Pony Club* has produced documentation and guidelines for all its members and parents/guardians on concussion. The information contained within the documents is the best advice and best practice available at the
present time. There are 3 documents in total.
- Signs and Symptoms of Concussion
- Concussion Action Plan
- Concussion rules for all Disciplines.
The documents can be downloaded from the Irish pony club website by
following this link (copy and paste into web browser)
It is of the utmost importance that every parent/guardian reads and understands the above documents pertaining to Concussion.
The *Irish Pony Club* has produced documentation and guidelines for all its members and parents/guardians on concussion. The information contained within the documents is the best advice and best practice available at the
present time. There are 3 documents in total.
- Signs and Symptoms of Concussion
- Concussion Action Plan
- Concussion rules for all Disciplines.
The documents can be downloaded from the Irish pony club website by
following this link (copy and paste into web browser)
It is of the utmost importance that every parent/guardian reads and understands the above documents pertaining to Concussion.