Covid 19 2021
Irish Pony Club return to activities update 7th June 2021
Hi all, we are collecting all trophies, cups and shields that were presented in 2019 at the Awards night. Please have them engraved and polished and organise for collection with
Liz 087 2984786
Emma 087 6357807
Louise 086 2372186
Maggie 086 8555974
Coronavirus Covid-19 Back to Activity
hen we take part in activities, we would like to draw your attention to the following protocol drawn up by the Irish Pony Club in line with Government guidelines, it is important that each member and parent familiarize themselves and follow this protocol when attending any activity held by Carlow Hunt Pony Club.
Training Protocol for Irish Pony Club Activities
1. A Covid-19 Compliance Officer or Health and Safety officer must be appointed and provided with the required PPE.
• This officer will have total control over the activity and have the power to STOP or cancel any activity or person NOT complying.
• ALL attending the activity must sign in and be recorded as on site at entry.
• 2metre. social distance must be observed throughout the activity.
2. Before travel, members must observe good hygiene practices, use the bathroom and wash hands.
• Member should bring hand sanitizer, if possible.
3. Parking - On arrival, follow the instructions and park in allocated space, observing a 5-metre social distance.
4. Gatherings are strictly prohibited
5. Members must book and pay for the activities on line
• A disclaimer must be signed in advance and returned with full payment
• All activities must be paid for in advance.
6. Parents or helper accompanying members can assist with unloading, tacking up and loading, may observe at a social distance and must not move about.
• Only those necessary to assist should accompany the member.
• Ideally only one person should accompany the member.
• Additional family members or friends should not attend.
• No siblings not taking part should be present.
7. All members must adhere to the advice and guidelines from the Department of Health and Health Service Executive.
• Sanitise hands on arrival and before leaving.
• Follow respiratory etiquette guidelines. (Cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue. Dispose all tissues into a bin.)
• Practice social distancing throughout the day, where possible.
8. Hand sanitiser and disposable gloves will be provided for officials
9. Queries will be answered as quickly as possible via e-mail.
• Allow for additional response time with correspondence due to remote working procedures.
10. Members must provide their own refreshments and lunch and have it in their own vehicles.
11. Toilets at start will be for limited use and must be sanitised after use.
• Parents should accompany young children.
• Appointed steward should also accompany the members and the parent (if present) to unlock the facility and ensure that the area is sanitised following use.
12. If a member feels unwell, has been in contact with anyone not feeling well or experiences symptoms of Covid-19 in the lead up to the activity, they may not attend the activity
13. Punctuality is paramount arrive and exit in an orderly manner, obeying directions at all times.
14. Leave as soon as finished and NO hanging around.
15. Results or certificates will be distributed in writing via e-mail and post respectively.
Fall Protocol
• Person first to scene should
o Assess findings from social distance and record findings.
o Summon help and or parent to scene.
o First aider should assess the situation and where possible work from a social distance.
o The First Aider must have access to the appropriate PPE i.e. gloves, mask, coat, plastic apron etc.
o If the faller requires further medical attention at Accident and Emergency, an ambulance should be called or the parent should transport the member, depending on the situation which should be assessed by the First Aider and Health and Safety Officer.
o The Health and Safety officer should attend the site of the fall and record all of the details of the accident or incident for the Accident Report Form and Incident Log.
Riding Protocol
1. Observe social distance.
2. NO sharing.
Stable Management Protocol
1. Theory sessions only, practical by video where possible.
2. No handouts.
3. No sharing.
Shooting Protocol
All members who attend shooting training must bring their own yoga mat,
A compliance officer will be on hand to sanitise guns between each members use,
At all times, follow the directions of the Compliance Officer.
It is in everyone’s best interest to keep to the protocol for health and safety
We appreciate this document is comprehensive, we will have compliance officers on site at all activities, to guide parents and members with any questions and also to ensure protocol are followed. We must all take responsibility for our own safety and the safety of others while trying to make our activities as much fun as possible.
The committee asks that each family read the protocol.
A short Covid -19 health questionnaire will be emailed to all activity entries. This MUST be completed prior to attending.
Training Protocol for Irish Pony Club Activities
1. A Covid-19 Compliance Officer or Health and Safety officer must be appointed and provided with the required PPE.
• This officer will have total control over the activity and have the power to STOP or cancel any activity or person NOT complying.
• ALL attending the activity must sign in and be recorded as on site at entry.
• 2metre. social distance must be observed throughout the activity.
2. Before travel, members must observe good hygiene practices, use the bathroom and wash hands.
• Member should bring hand sanitizer, if possible.
3. Parking - On arrival, follow the instructions and park in allocated space, observing a 5-metre social distance.
4. Gatherings are strictly prohibited
5. Members must book and pay for the activities on line
• A disclaimer must be signed in advance and returned with full payment
• All activities must be paid for in advance.
6. Parents or helper accompanying members can assist with unloading, tacking up and loading, may observe at a social distance and must not move about.
• Only those necessary to assist should accompany the member.
• Ideally only one person should accompany the member.
• Additional family members or friends should not attend.
• No siblings not taking part should be present.
7. All members must adhere to the advice and guidelines from the Department of Health and Health Service Executive.
• Sanitise hands on arrival and before leaving.
• Follow respiratory etiquette guidelines. (Cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue. Dispose all tissues into a bin.)
• Practice social distancing throughout the day, where possible.
8. Hand sanitiser and disposable gloves will be provided for officials
9. Queries will be answered as quickly as possible via e-mail.
• Allow for additional response time with correspondence due to remote working procedures.
10. Members must provide their own refreshments and lunch and have it in their own vehicles.
11. Toilets at start will be for limited use and must be sanitised after use.
• Parents should accompany young children.
• Appointed steward should also accompany the members and the parent (if present) to unlock the facility and ensure that the area is sanitised following use.
12. If a member feels unwell, has been in contact with anyone not feeling well or experiences symptoms of Covid-19 in the lead up to the activity, they may not attend the activity
13. Punctuality is paramount arrive and exit in an orderly manner, obeying directions at all times.
14. Leave as soon as finished and NO hanging around.
15. Results or certificates will be distributed in writing via e-mail and post respectively.
Fall Protocol
• Person first to scene should
o Assess findings from social distance and record findings.
o Summon help and or parent to scene.
o First aider should assess the situation and where possible work from a social distance.
o The First Aider must have access to the appropriate PPE i.e. gloves, mask, coat, plastic apron etc.
o If the faller requires further medical attention at Accident and Emergency, an ambulance should be called or the parent should transport the member, depending on the situation which should be assessed by the First Aider and Health and Safety Officer.
o The Health and Safety officer should attend the site of the fall and record all of the details of the accident or incident for the Accident Report Form and Incident Log.
Riding Protocol
1. Observe social distance.
2. NO sharing.
Stable Management Protocol
1. Theory sessions only, practical by video where possible.
2. No handouts.
3. No sharing.
Shooting Protocol
All members who attend shooting training must bring their own yoga mat,
A compliance officer will be on hand to sanitise guns between each members use,
At all times, follow the directions of the Compliance Officer.
It is in everyone’s best interest to keep to the protocol for health and safety
We appreciate this document is comprehensive, we will have compliance officers on site at all activities, to guide parents and members with any questions and also to ensure protocol are followed. We must all take responsibility for our own safety and the safety of others while trying to make our activities as much fun as possible.
The committee asks that each family read the protocol.
A short Covid -19 health questionnaire will be emailed to all activity entries. This MUST be completed prior to attending.
IPC and Branch Child Safeguarding Statement
In accordance with the legal requirements contained in the Children First Act 2015 the Irish Pony Club has developed this Child Safeguarding Statement.
Send in your photos
If anyone has photos from events where members of the Carlow Hunt Pony Club have taken part and they would like to see them on the website please send them to [email protected]
Please include a few words on the event and the members who took part.
Please include a few words on the event and the members who took part.
Viewing the website with a mobile device
When viewing the Carlow Pony Club website with a mobile device it is necessary to select the WEB option at the bottom of the page, as indicated in the picture below.
This is to ensure that all content can be viewed.
This is to ensure that all content can be viewed.
We are always delighted to welcome new members. Please contact Emma Kelly for information by phone on 087 6357807
2020 Membership - Please see "On Line Entry Form" page
2020 Membership - Please see "On Line Entry Form" page