CHPC General Info and Rules 2023
Hat Standards 2023
UPDATED HATS STANDARDS 2023 Protective Headgear must meet one of the following standards: PAS 015 2011 onwards with BSI Kitemark or Inspec IC Mark. VG1 01.040 2014-12 with BSI Kitemark or Inspec IC Mark. ASTM F1163: 2004a and subsequent updates. Snell E2016 (Snell combines a standard with subsequent quality testing, therefore no additional quality testing mark is required) AS/NZS 3838 (2006 and any subsequent updates) |
For 2023 - A Body Protector which is EN13158: 2009 Level 3 or BETA Level 3 (Purple Label) manufactured in the year 2009 or after, is mandatory for Cross Country, cross country schooling and whenever else a body protector is worn.
Change for 2024 From 1st Jan 2024 the 2009 will no longer be permitted for use at IPC Competitions. Only European Standard EN13158:2018 level 3 onwards will be allowed. Athletes are strongly recommended to check their body protectors on a regular basis and to replace them if damaged. A body protector should not impede flexibility or balance.
Random checks will be made to ensure that the correct body protector is being worn, but it is the athletes responsibility to ensure they are wearing the correct dress (protective headgear, back protectors etc) during competition, in line with the IPC Rules. |
Vaccination Requirements and Hat Standards for 2023
Guide to Competitions and Tack Sheets
Click on IPC Website for all up to date Rules, Competition Rules, Dressage Tests etc.
CHPC Discipline Rules 2023:
Carlow Hunt Pony Club Rules
Please make yourself familiar with the Irish Pony Club Rule Book for each Discipline.
The following are specific rules for members of Carlow Hunt Pony club.
• Members are required to sign up for rallies on Itsplainsailing before the closing date which is normally 6 days before the rally. Late entries will only be accepted at the discretion of the co-ordinator depending on the groups and availability of instructors. Members must attend at least 3 rallies before Camp.
Mounted Games
• Members who wish to be picked on teams to represent the club need to make a reasonable effort to attend regular training sessions. Team selection is at the discretion of the trainers and DC’s.
In order to be eligible to compete in Senior Pony Club Games, the committee of Carlow Hunt Pony Club requires a rider to be available for Qualifiers and training sessions. If more than 5 members, aged 13 years or more on 1st January, wish to be considered for the Senior Games Team, then a CHPC trial will take place at a suitable time set by the DC’s and games co-ordinators, to decide the team before the qualifiers commence, all interested members must attend. The trial will be on grass and consist of 11 games (from games list for qualifiers), 3 of which will involve vaulting. Points will be awarded for placings according to number attending. eg 10 riders 1st place = 10 points, 2nd place = 9 points etc. In the event of elimination the rider will score 0 points. The results will be available at the end of the trials and any queries will be dealt with before the team/s is published. The 6th place rider will be the first sub, 7th placed second sub and so on.
The same pony & rider combination that presents at trials, must present at the Qualifiers.
If a member cannot attend the trial or expresses an interest after the trial is complete, they will only be considered for team placings after those who attended the trial and must be approved by the DCs.
Non-attendance at training and Qualifiers may result in a rider losing their place at the discretion of the DC,s and the trainers.
If a sub is used more than once for the same member, the sub may take the place of that team member which will be at the discretion of the DC’s and Trainers.
The following rule applies in the event of a pony getting injured.
If a pony gets injured (vet cert is produced) after the team trials or during the Qualifiers the members parent must state within 1 week whether they want to renege their selection or whether they wish to nominate a replacement pony to maintain their team placing. The pony nominated to maintain their team selection must be of a suitable standing and experience as the injured pony and has competed at games successfully before. If the parent choses to nominate a pony, the pony’s credentials are put forward to the following people- DC’s and Games Trainers. This group will consider the pony’s experience, recent form and compatibility with the rider. This group has the final say as to whether the pony is a suitable replacement. If deemed suitable the member maintains their team place, and if found not to be of suitable standing the member loses their team place.
If either the DC, chef d’equipe or Games Trainer is the parent of the rider with the injured pony the DCs must nominate a different person to assess a replacement pony and the affected parent must not be involved in this assessment.
Minimus/Tetrathlon Team Selection
Tetrathlon - Riders must compete in the CHPC cross country trial and at least 1 of the run/swim/shoot trials. CHPC will run 2 swim/run/shoot trials every year and competitors must compete in 1. Competitors are not allowed to run at one trial and swim at another. A shooting trial will apply for Tetrathlon.
For Minimus - In order to be eligible to compete at the National Minimus Championships 2023, the committee of Carlow Hunt Pony Club requires the competitor to complete a minimum of 2 fun minimus’ one of which must be the Carlow event. Carlow Hunt Pony Club will take the final score from the results issued by the host club. If there is a discrepancy in the results achieved at the Fun Minimus Competition it is the duty of the parent/guardian to resolve this before the final results are released. A record is kept of the scores from all the minimus’ and the child’s score from CHPC Fun Minimus along with their best score from 1 other Fun Minimus are added together to select teams of 4. If all team places are not filled Carlow Hunt Pony Club are joined with another club at the discrepancy of the Irish Pony Club to make up teams. The same pony & rider combination must compete at each Fun Minimus Competition. In the event of a pony change the pony rider combination being used for team selection must have completed at least one fun minimus and must be declared for team selection.. This must be the pony which is entered at the National Championships.
The number of Fun Minimus Competitions scores that are used for team selection may change each year depending on the number of competitions being run. The team selection policy will be reviewed following the National Minimus Championships 2022.
• Trials are run and scored as per IPC Minimus/Tetrathlon championships
The score from cross country and the competitors best trial of run/swim (and shoot) is combined to give the riders overall score.
Riders will be ranked at the end of the 3/ 4 phases and ordered into teams of 4, or part of a team.
• The following rule applies in the event of a pony getting injured.
If a pony gets injured (vet cert is produced) after the team trials the members parent has to state within 1 week whether they want to renege their ranked placing and move to the lowest team with a new pony, or whether they wish to nominate a replacement pony to maintain their team placing. The pony nominated to maintain their team placing must be of a suitable standing and experience as the injured pony and ideally have competed at a minimus successfully before. If the parent choses to nominate a pony, the pony’s credentials are put forward to the following people- DC, minimus co-ordinator and minimus chef d’equip. This group will consider the pony’s experience, recent form and compatibility with the rider. This group has the final say as to whether the pony is a suitable replacement. If deemed suitable the member maintains their team ranking, and if found not to be of suitable standing the member loses their cross country points and is placed on a team accordingly. Once teams are entered with the IPC the teams are locked down (ie- no movement of members up or down) and attempts will be made to find a suitable alternative pony. If no alternative pony can be found, a team of 3 will go forward to the championship. If either the DC, chef d’equipe or minimus coordinator is the parent of the rider with the injured pony the DC must nominate a different person to assess a replacement pony and the affected parent must not be involved in this assessment.
• If more than 4 members wish to be on the Pure Dressage Team/s, then 1 local CHPC qualifier will decide the team/s. Places will be given in order of best dressage scores followed by the next best in descending order.
• Where more than 4 members qualify for the IPC championships, those interested in team selection will be ranked on basis of performance on the Red Mills League Table. The DC will refer to the league table and select competitors for team placings accordingly.
Show jumping
In the event of riders not being able to compete or their pony gets injured the following rules will apply:
• Pairs and Teams of 3 are self-selected.
For Your Information:
Irish Pony Club Rule
The DC has to verify that every entry made by their members to IPC events outside our own club are correct. (Competitor has entered right age category, is eligible to compete etc)
This occurs when the entry is made via ItsPlainSailing, copy is sent to the club’s DC.
Louise O'Neill Sandra Corrigan
Joint District Commissioner Joint District Commissioner
Carlow Hunt Pony Club Carlow Hunt Pony Club
Dated: 05/01/2023
Please make yourself familiar with the Irish Pony Club Rule Book for each Discipline.
The following are specific rules for members of Carlow Hunt Pony club.
• Members are required to sign up for rallies on Itsplainsailing before the closing date which is normally 6 days before the rally. Late entries will only be accepted at the discretion of the co-ordinator depending on the groups and availability of instructors. Members must attend at least 3 rallies before Camp.
Mounted Games
• Members who wish to be picked on teams to represent the club need to make a reasonable effort to attend regular training sessions. Team selection is at the discretion of the trainers and DC’s.
In order to be eligible to compete in Senior Pony Club Games, the committee of Carlow Hunt Pony Club requires a rider to be available for Qualifiers and training sessions. If more than 5 members, aged 13 years or more on 1st January, wish to be considered for the Senior Games Team, then a CHPC trial will take place at a suitable time set by the DC’s and games co-ordinators, to decide the team before the qualifiers commence, all interested members must attend. The trial will be on grass and consist of 11 games (from games list for qualifiers), 3 of which will involve vaulting. Points will be awarded for placings according to number attending. eg 10 riders 1st place = 10 points, 2nd place = 9 points etc. In the event of elimination the rider will score 0 points. The results will be available at the end of the trials and any queries will be dealt with before the team/s is published. The 6th place rider will be the first sub, 7th placed second sub and so on.
The same pony & rider combination that presents at trials, must present at the Qualifiers.
If a member cannot attend the trial or expresses an interest after the trial is complete, they will only be considered for team placings after those who attended the trial and must be approved by the DCs.
Non-attendance at training and Qualifiers may result in a rider losing their place at the discretion of the DC,s and the trainers.
If a sub is used more than once for the same member, the sub may take the place of that team member which will be at the discretion of the DC’s and Trainers.
The following rule applies in the event of a pony getting injured.
If a pony gets injured (vet cert is produced) after the team trials or during the Qualifiers the members parent must state within 1 week whether they want to renege their selection or whether they wish to nominate a replacement pony to maintain their team placing. The pony nominated to maintain their team selection must be of a suitable standing and experience as the injured pony and has competed at games successfully before. If the parent choses to nominate a pony, the pony’s credentials are put forward to the following people- DC’s and Games Trainers. This group will consider the pony’s experience, recent form and compatibility with the rider. This group has the final say as to whether the pony is a suitable replacement. If deemed suitable the member maintains their team place, and if found not to be of suitable standing the member loses their team place.
If either the DC, chef d’equipe or Games Trainer is the parent of the rider with the injured pony the DCs must nominate a different person to assess a replacement pony and the affected parent must not be involved in this assessment.
Minimus/Tetrathlon Team Selection
Tetrathlon - Riders must compete in the CHPC cross country trial and at least 1 of the run/swim/shoot trials. CHPC will run 2 swim/run/shoot trials every year and competitors must compete in 1. Competitors are not allowed to run at one trial and swim at another. A shooting trial will apply for Tetrathlon.
For Minimus - In order to be eligible to compete at the National Minimus Championships 2023, the committee of Carlow Hunt Pony Club requires the competitor to complete a minimum of 2 fun minimus’ one of which must be the Carlow event. Carlow Hunt Pony Club will take the final score from the results issued by the host club. If there is a discrepancy in the results achieved at the Fun Minimus Competition it is the duty of the parent/guardian to resolve this before the final results are released. A record is kept of the scores from all the minimus’ and the child’s score from CHPC Fun Minimus along with their best score from 1 other Fun Minimus are added together to select teams of 4. If all team places are not filled Carlow Hunt Pony Club are joined with another club at the discrepancy of the Irish Pony Club to make up teams. The same pony & rider combination must compete at each Fun Minimus Competition. In the event of a pony change the pony rider combination being used for team selection must have completed at least one fun minimus and must be declared for team selection.. This must be the pony which is entered at the National Championships.
The number of Fun Minimus Competitions scores that are used for team selection may change each year depending on the number of competitions being run. The team selection policy will be reviewed following the National Minimus Championships 2022.
• Trials are run and scored as per IPC Minimus/Tetrathlon championships
The score from cross country and the competitors best trial of run/swim (and shoot) is combined to give the riders overall score.
Riders will be ranked at the end of the 3/ 4 phases and ordered into teams of 4, or part of a team.
• The following rule applies in the event of a pony getting injured.
If a pony gets injured (vet cert is produced) after the team trials the members parent has to state within 1 week whether they want to renege their ranked placing and move to the lowest team with a new pony, or whether they wish to nominate a replacement pony to maintain their team placing. The pony nominated to maintain their team placing must be of a suitable standing and experience as the injured pony and ideally have competed at a minimus successfully before. If the parent choses to nominate a pony, the pony’s credentials are put forward to the following people- DC, minimus co-ordinator and minimus chef d’equip. This group will consider the pony’s experience, recent form and compatibility with the rider. This group has the final say as to whether the pony is a suitable replacement. If deemed suitable the member maintains their team ranking, and if found not to be of suitable standing the member loses their cross country points and is placed on a team accordingly. Once teams are entered with the IPC the teams are locked down (ie- no movement of members up or down) and attempts will be made to find a suitable alternative pony. If no alternative pony can be found, a team of 3 will go forward to the championship. If either the DC, chef d’equipe or minimus coordinator is the parent of the rider with the injured pony the DC must nominate a different person to assess a replacement pony and the affected parent must not be involved in this assessment.
• If more than 4 members wish to be on the Pure Dressage Team/s, then 1 local CHPC qualifier will decide the team/s. Places will be given in order of best dressage scores followed by the next best in descending order.
• Where more than 4 members qualify for the IPC championships, those interested in team selection will be ranked on basis of performance on the Red Mills League Table. The DC will refer to the league table and select competitors for team placings accordingly.
Show jumping
- CHPC will run 2/3 show jumping trials, not necessarily at the same venue, both rider and pony have to compete in at least 1 trial to be eligible for team selection.
- If a rider chooses to compete in all 3 qualifiers, the best 2 results from the 3 qualifiers will be counted for ranking and team selection.
- The trial competitions will be run in the same format as the Area qualifiers: A minimum of 8 fences will be used in the first round which will include a double(except for Alice Mernagh - no double in first round). Riders then proceed to jump a second round over a change of course for the second round which will have a double/combination. That is the competition will be run as a two- phase competition with riders proceeding immediately to jump the second round which is timed.
- Points will be allocated as follows: Attendance – 3 points, Clear first phase – 5 points, Clear second phase – 4 points. Additional points will be allocated as follows: Points will be awarded for placings according to number attending. eg 10 riders 1st place = 10 points, 2nd place = 9 points etc.
- Riders will be ranked at the end of the 2/3 trials and ordered into descending teams of 4 down the league table. The last team may be made up of 3 riders should no more competitors be on the table. Otherwise remaining riders can go forward to the Area to be placed on a mixed team with other clubs or remain as reserves.
- For the remaining lower places where we have a number of competitors on equal points after using the “Golden Goal Rule” a draw will take place to fill the teams.
- If a rider is riding 2 ponies, their first pony jumped will be deemed as the nominated pony for the qualifiers.
- The Ground Committee on the day will make all decisions and their decision is final.
- An appeal must be lodged in writing with a €25 refundable deposit (if appeal upheld) within 30 minutes of the final result declared.
- Once team selection is made, parents must confirm with the event co-ordinator via text message, that they are available to attend the area qualifier and championship competition.
- The chef d’equip of the team will decide at the regional qualifier and championship which two riders will compete in the jump off if required to do so.
In the event of riders not being able to compete or their pony gets injured the following rules will apply:
- If the rider/pony drop out before the area qualifier commences, all competitors move up a place and if the rider has an alternative pony they move down.
- If the rider/pony drops out from a qualified team after the area qualifier but before the entries are made to the IPC, then all competitors move up a place, (Where more than 1 CHPC team qualifies for the festival, the teams are ranked in accordance with their placing at the regional qualifier) and if the rider has an alternative pony they move down.
- If the rider/pony drops out after entries are made to the festival, the teams are locked and the highest ranked competitor from the CHPC trials who jumped at the qualifier gets called up onto the team impacted.
• Pairs and Teams of 3 are self-selected.
For Your Information:
Irish Pony Club Rule
The DC has to verify that every entry made by their members to IPC events outside our own club are correct. (Competitor has entered right age category, is eligible to compete etc)
This occurs when the entry is made via ItsPlainSailing, copy is sent to the club’s DC.
Louise O'Neill Sandra Corrigan
Joint District Commissioner Joint District Commissioner
Carlow Hunt Pony Club Carlow Hunt Pony Club
Dated: 05/01/2023