Carlow Hunt Pony Club Minimus - 2022
Minimus XC training - Kirsty Dobie 087 1318817
Minimus Swim & Run - Margaret Fogarty 086 8555974
Minimus Queries - Leah Mulhall 086 0404333
Minimus Swim & Run - Margaret Fogarty 086 8555974
Minimus Queries - Leah Mulhall 086 0404333
Information Evening
There will be a Minimus/Tetrathlon information evening for parents on Wednesday 9th Feb, Doyles Railway Bar, Bagenalstown @ 8.00pm. If interested, please text Kirsty 087 1318817 so we have an idea of numbers attending.
There will be a Minimus/Tetrathlon information evening for parents on Wednesday 9th Feb, Doyles Railway Bar, Bagenalstown @ 8.00pm. If interested, please text Kirsty 087 1318817 so we have an idea of numbers attending.
National Minimus Championships
Well done to all who took park in the Minimus Championships this year. In addition to our teams, there was a competition for those who missed out in 2020, our members Alannah Bailey, Pippa Blake and Jodie Foley took part in this Class. John Flood lived up to expectations by building a strong technical course to test our riders. The Foleys were on fire getting the only clear rounds for Carlow on the day. (Banana skins on the XC course limited our clears, keeping our teams out of the ribbons). Plenty of PB's in the running and swimming as our members gave it their all. An enormous thank you to Kirsty for all her hard work in a short length of time in preparing our members who are now ready to take on Tetrathlon next year! Thanks to Annamarie and Sandra for the BBQ, Liz and John for the running. Great weekend. Well done all.
Minimus Training
Running training will commence in March.
Please book in weekly on Carlow Hunt Pony Club - Its Plain Sailing Online Payments page events
Swimming - if interested in training with Liam O'Neill in Graiguecullen, please contact Margaret on 086 8555974.
Please book in weekly on Carlow Hunt Pony Club - Its Plain Sailing Online Payments page events
Swimming - if interested in training with Liam O'Neill in Graiguecullen, please contact Margaret on 086 8555974.
National Minimus Competition 2022
Activities of Interest to Minimus Competitors
Please see Calendar CALENDAR - 2022
The National Minimus Competition has been scheduled for Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th June 2022. Nuenna Farm Kilkenny.
Please see Calendar CALENDAR - 2022
The National Minimus Competition has been scheduled for Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th June 2022. Nuenna Farm Kilkenny.
Important notes for parents of children planning to compete at Minimus
This is an U12 competition (under 12 on 1st January 2022). However, kids over-age can also compete H/C (out of competition) at minimus to have fun and or prepare them for moving on to tetrathlon.
Children need to train for the minimus championships starting in the Spring and the DC’s must sign off children as capable of getting around an 80cm technical cross country course before they can be considered for team selection. Children should try and do as many hunter trials and fun minimus competitions also as this will help them prepare for the team selection trials and the championships themselves.
This is an U12 competition (under 12 on 1st January 2022). However, kids over-age can also compete H/C (out of competition) at minimus to have fun and or prepare them for moving on to tetrathlon.
Children need to train for the minimus championships starting in the Spring and the DC’s must sign off children as capable of getting around an 80cm technical cross country course before they can be considered for team selection. Children should try and do as many hunter trials and fun minimus competitions also as this will help them prepare for the team selection trials and the championships themselves.
CHPC Rule for Minimus Team Selection 2022
In order to be eligible to compete at the National Minimus Championships 2022, the committee of Carlow Hunt Pony Club requires the competitor to complete a minimum of 2 fun minimus’ one of which must be the Carlow event on 22nd May. Carlow Hunt Pony Club will take the final score from the results issued by the host club. If there is a discrepancy in the results achieved at the Fun Minimus Competition it is the duty of the parent/guardian to resolve this before the final results are released. A record is kept of the scores from all the minimus’ and the child’s score from CHPC Fun Minimus along with their best score from 1 other Fun Minimus are added together to select teams of 4. If all team places are not filled Carlow Hunt Pony Club are joined with another club at the discrepancy of the Irish Pony Club to make up teams. The same pony & rider combination must compete at each Fun Minimus Competition. In the event of a pony change the pony rider combination being used for team selection must have completed at least one fun minimus and must be declared for team selection.. This must be the pony which is entered at the National Championships.
The number of Fun Minimus Competitions scores that are used for team selection may change each year depending on the number of competitions being run. The team selection policy will be reviewed following the National Minimus Championships 2022.
Injured Pony
• The following rule applies in the event of a pony getting injured.
If a pony gets injured (vet cert is produced) after the team trials the members parent has to state within 1 week whether they want to renege their ranked placing and move to the lowest team with a new pony, or whether they wish to nominate a replacement pony to maintain their team placing. The pony nominated to maintain their team placing must be of a suitable standing and experience as the injured pony and ideally have competed at a minimus successfully before. If the parent chooses to nominate a pony, the pony’s credentials are put forward to the following people- DC, minimus co-ordinator and minimus chef d’equip. This group will consider the pony’s experience, recent form and compatibility with the rider. This group has the final say as to whether the pony is a suitable replacement. If deemed suitable the member maintains their team ranking, and if found not to be of suitable standing the member loses their cross country points and is placed on a team accordingly. Once teams are entered with the IPC the teams are locked down (ie- no movement of members up or down) and attempts will be made to find a suitable alternative pony. If no alternative pony can be found, a team of 3 will go forward to the championship. If either the DC, chef d’equipe or minimus coordinator is the parent of the rider with the injured pony the DC must nominate a different person to assess a replacement pony and the affected parent must not be involved in this assessment.
In order to be eligible to compete at the National Minimus Championships 2022, the committee of Carlow Hunt Pony Club requires the competitor to complete a minimum of 2 fun minimus’ one of which must be the Carlow event on 22nd May. Carlow Hunt Pony Club will take the final score from the results issued by the host club. If there is a discrepancy in the results achieved at the Fun Minimus Competition it is the duty of the parent/guardian to resolve this before the final results are released. A record is kept of the scores from all the minimus’ and the child’s score from CHPC Fun Minimus along with their best score from 1 other Fun Minimus are added together to select teams of 4. If all team places are not filled Carlow Hunt Pony Club are joined with another club at the discrepancy of the Irish Pony Club to make up teams. The same pony & rider combination must compete at each Fun Minimus Competition. In the event of a pony change the pony rider combination being used for team selection must have completed at least one fun minimus and must be declared for team selection.. This must be the pony which is entered at the National Championships.
The number of Fun Minimus Competitions scores that are used for team selection may change each year depending on the number of competitions being run. The team selection policy will be reviewed following the National Minimus Championships 2022.
Injured Pony
• The following rule applies in the event of a pony getting injured.
If a pony gets injured (vet cert is produced) after the team trials the members parent has to state within 1 week whether they want to renege their ranked placing and move to the lowest team with a new pony, or whether they wish to nominate a replacement pony to maintain their team placing. The pony nominated to maintain their team placing must be of a suitable standing and experience as the injured pony and ideally have competed at a minimus successfully before. If the parent chooses to nominate a pony, the pony’s credentials are put forward to the following people- DC, minimus co-ordinator and minimus chef d’equip. This group will consider the pony’s experience, recent form and compatibility with the rider. This group has the final say as to whether the pony is a suitable replacement. If deemed suitable the member maintains their team ranking, and if found not to be of suitable standing the member loses their cross country points and is placed on a team accordingly. Once teams are entered with the IPC the teams are locked down (ie- no movement of members up or down) and attempts will be made to find a suitable alternative pony. If no alternative pony can be found, a team of 3 will go forward to the championship. If either the DC, chef d’equipe or minimus coordinator is the parent of the rider with the injured pony the DC must nominate a different person to assess a replacement pony and the affected parent must not be involved in this assessment.
Minimus List
Riding Gear
- Correct Skull cap
- Stock and (pin – may not be needed)
- Cross Country Jersey in Carlow Colours
- White or cream jods
- Boots or chaps
- Riding Socks
- Wet gear and wellies
- Medical Arm Band
- Number Bib
- Pony Club membership card
- Back protector
- Pony passport
- Saddle
- Bridle (cropper if required)
- Numnah (plain white)
- Studs if required
- Head-collar and lead rope
- Insulation tape
- Boots for pony if required
- Rug/sweat rug
- Fly Spray
- Tack box
- If stabling
- Water bucket
- Feed bucket
- Feed and Hay
- Hat
- Goggles and spare set
- Togs
- Towels
- Flip Flops
- Water Bottle
- T-Shirt
- Shorts
- Runners/Spikes
- Socks
- Tracksuit
- Hoddie
- Sun-cream/Baseball Caps
- Insect repellent
- Camera
- Carlow Flags for tent
Minimus memories from previous years can be seen in Gallery Archive or click here for shortcut MINIMUS