Show Jumping - 2016
U12 Show Jumping Competition
Under 12 Show Jumping Competition – Alice Mernagh Trophy:
Carlow Hunt Pony Club will do two Qualifiers for this competition to select Teams in June 2016 - Dates & Venues to follow:
- Riders must be over 8 and under 12 @ Jan 1st 2016.
- Riders must be D+ Standard.
- Team of 4.
- Rider cannot have participated in Robbie Bailey in 2015 - (cannot go back down).
- Ponies must be 5 years or over – Passport Required.
- First two rounds maximum height 75cm. Jump off round will have a maximum of three fences not exceeding 80cm.
- All Ponies and horses are eligible if they are currently or have been in the previous year jumping with the SJI at 90cm and under.
- The same team combination or same three member’s combination of pony/horse and rider from a winning U12 team (in any year) is not eligible.
You should check the current Show Jumping Rule Book for further details.
Junior Show Jumping (Robbie Bailey) Competition
- Riders must be under 14 @ Jan 1st 2016.
- Riders must have C Test or be C Test standard.
- Team of 4.
- Ponies must be 5 years or over – Passport Required.
- Jumps maximum height of 90cm.
- All Ponies and horses are eligible if they are currently or have been in the previous year jumping with the SJI at 1.0m and under.
- The same combination of pony/horse and rider from a winning Robbie Bailey team (in any year) is not eligible to compete.
This competition is named in honour of Robbie Bailey who was the D.C. of the Laois Branch and sadly passed away in 1983. He was a wise, gracious, knowledgeable and modest man, who was a source of admiration to everyone who came into contact with him. He instilled in younger members, the art, skills and joys of horsemanship. To ensure it remains a true Junior Competition, the age remains Under 14:
Show Jumping Championship (John Ledingham Cup)
- Riders must be under 21 on 1st Jan 2016.
- Must have passed C test.
- Team of 4.
- Ponies must be 5 years of over – Passport Required.
- Jumps maximum height of 1m.
- Horses currently or in the previous year jumping at 1.10m or less with the SJI are eligible.
- A pony jumping at 1.10m is eligible provided it has not qualified for the RDS in the current year and has not represented Ireland with the SJI abroad. The Irish Pony Club named this competition after John Ledingham. He is a former pony club member and is one of the best know and most successful Irish Army International Riders.
Senior Team Show Jumping Championship
- Team of 4.
- Riders must be over 12 and under 21 @ Jan 1st 2016.
- Must have passed C test.
- Ponies must be 5 years of over – Passport Required.
- Competition is run over two rounds with maximum fence heights 1.10m in the first round and 1.15m in the second round (two fences may be a 1.20m at the discretion of the course builder).
- Horses which are currently jumping at 1.20m and under are eligible. All ponies are eligible.
- The winning team in this competition may receive an invitation from the UK Pony Club to travel to the UK for the UKPC Championships to represent the Irish Pony Club. Irish Pony Club teams competing in the UK have had much success over the years.
Senior Individual Show Jumping Competition
- Individual competition for competitors over 12 and under 23 yrs. on the 1st Jan 2016.
- Must have passed C test.
- Ponies must be 5 years of over – Passport Required.
- Horses currently jumping at 1.20m and under are eligible. All Ponies are eligible.
- Competition is run over two rounds with maximum fence heights 1.10m in the first round and 1.15m in the second round (two fences may be a 1.20m at the discretion of the course builder.
- Run after the Team Championships over a new course. Team horses are eligible but riders may choose a fresh horse provided they have ridden that horse at the Area Qualifier.
- Riders may only compete once in the Individual competition.
The IPC Show Jumping Rule Book should be referred to for more information on all these Competitions. Also see IPC Guide to Competitions and Tack:
Once Carlow Qualifiers are over and Teams selected – Teams will travel to Area 1 Qualifiers on Monday,18th July 2016 at Boswell Equestrian Centre, Boswell House, Ashford, Co. Wicklow.
And if your team qualifies in Boswells team will travel to IPC Festival between 5th & 7th Aug 2016 at Mullingar Equestrian Centre Ltd, Rathcolman, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath.
Once Carlow Qualifiers are over and Teams selected – Teams will travel to Area 1 Qualifiers on Monday,18th July 2016 at Boswell Equestrian Centre, Boswell House, Ashford, Co. Wicklow.
And if your team qualifies in Boswells team will travel to IPC Festival between 5th & 7th Aug 2016 at Mullingar Equestrian Centre Ltd, Rathcolman, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath.
Two Qualifiers will be run for U12,s in June '16: Robbie Bailey, John Ledingham and Senior Team & Individuals.
Qualifiers will be run at the following venues:
Doyle’s, Coole Equestrian Centre, Rathvilly on Saturday Evening May 7th
Raheen Na Gun, Kilkenny on Friday Evening May 20th
The rules for Team Selections are as follows:
Qualifiers will be run at the following venues:
Doyle’s, Coole Equestrian Centre, Rathvilly on Saturday Evening May 7th
Raheen Na Gun, Kilkenny on Friday Evening May 20th
The rules for Team Selections are as follows:
- The best result from the two qualifiers will be counted:
- Two phase competition with speed round for those with double clear:
- Points will be allocated to everyone who competes – 2 points:
- Clear First Phase – 2 points:
- Clear second phase – 1 point:
- Points will then be allocated as regards placing in the speed round:
- 20 Points for 1st Place, 18 points for 2nd Place, 16 points for 3rd Place and then 14, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8 etc:
- Where we have competitors who are on equal points - “Golden Goal Rule” applies – i.e. results from first qualifier etc. will differentiate the placing between competitors on equal points:
- For the remaining lower places where we have a number of riders/ponies on equal points a draw will take place to fill a team if required:
- If a rider is riding two ponies their first pony jumped will be deemed as the nominated pony for the qualifiers:
- Chef de equip will decide on the day which two riders will compete in the jump off if required to do so:
- If a rider or pony can’t compete for a team the next placed rider from the qualifier will automatically move up to the next team up to 24 hours before the competition:
- Both rider and pony have to compete in at least one qualifier to be eligible for team selection:
- The Ground Committee on the day will make all decisions and their decision is final:
- An appeal must be logged in writing with 25 euro refundable deposit (if appeal upheld) within 30 minutes of the final result declared:
- The results of the appeal will be released within 48 hours: